Jul 5, 2010

Best Mother in the whole wide world !

Rabiah bt Sulaiman
She is the greatest person in my life. She could be number 1 in my idol list. She is the one that brought me to this world. She never give up in life. Never ! and she always told me that too. She is really hardworking. She sincerely take good care of me because of ALLAH. She loves me no matter what happen. Even if i got sick or being really stubborn. Yes. I've been really bad to her sometimes but she always forgive me no matter what i do. She always give me advices about life and she is really cool compare to other woman. I love her. She is a person called 'Mother'. That understands what a child does not say. That was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries.
She will be 50 years old by 15 August. I hope she will live longer to see me making her proud of me. She is the best and only mother that i have. I hope she will always be healthy and got full of happiness in her life. I hope she could get everything that she always wanted. And by 15 August I wish her 'Happy Birthday' and hugs and kisses. <3